
Preparations for the Move...


Preparations for the Move... & Las Vegas

The past couple of weeks since the New Year really have been really hectic, as plans for the big move to London start to heat up. It's starting to see a lot more "real' now, as a lot of these pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place. so far, I have managed to rent my condo for the time I'll be away - luckily to someone I know and trust, which is fantastic. I've also sold my truck - a little earlier than I would have liked, but better to do it early than not at all I guess.

On the London front, I've been getting a lot of e-mail from the rental agents, and have seen (online anyway...) some places that look pretty good. I have an appointment when I get back from Vegas to do the next step in the process for securing my visa for the UK, which is the last major hurdle before I book my ticket, and move on over seas.

This week, I'm in Las Vegas for the annual Business Object Partner Conference at the Bellagio hotel. I must say, this is a pretty nice way to make my last trip in the US for a while. :-)

The Bellagio is one of the nicest, high-end hotel on the strip - it's the one with the big fountains that go off, timed to music at night. It's a pretty spectacular show. The hotel itself is very upscale - my room is huge, and very nicely appointed. Even the drapes are automated!

It's not a long trip - just until Wednesday, but I really do love Vegas, and it was great to get back here one last time - well for a few years anyway. I've played some poker, but as this is a work trip, sadly, that will have to take a back seat, and get fit in where it can.